Sunday, February 7, 2016

Pre-Socrates Philosophers - 9 - (624 - 390 BC )

There were so many philosophers in the pre-Socrates Era, the following were worth mentioning
Pre-Socratis Philosophers
1. Thales (624- 546BC), 2. Anaximander (610-546 BC), 
3. Hiraclitus (535-475 BC), 4.Pythagoras (570-495 BC),
 5. Permoniddes ( 515 -460 BC), 6. Empedoclis (490 - 430 BC),
 7 Leucippas ( 5th century BC), 8. Democritus (460 - 390 BC), 
 9. Anaxagorus ( 510 – 428 BC )

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