Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Introduction - Primitive Age of Human Society

The Marxian analysis begins with an analysis of material conditions and the economic activities required to satisfy society's material needs. It is understood that the form of economic organization, or mode of production, gives rise to, or at least directly influences, most other social phenomena – including social relations, political and legal systems, morality and ideology. The economic system and these social relations form a base and superstructure. As forces of production, most notablytechnology, improve, existing forms of social organization become inefficient and stifle further progress.
As Karl Marx observed: "At a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production or this merely expresses the same thing in legal terms with the property relations within the framework of which they have operated hitherto. From forms of development of the productive forces these relations turn into their fetters. Then begins an era of social revolution" [ A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Introduction 1859 ]

This mode of study of social events is the starting point Marxian era. a new method of study of nature and human relationship. 

In the mid-to-late 19th century, the intellectual tenets of Marxism were inspired by twoGerman philosophersKarl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marxist analyses and methodologies have influenced multiple political ideologies and social movements. Marxism encompasses aneconomic theory, a sociological theory, aphilosophical method, and a revolutionary view of social change.
The human body from its arrival is much more  flexible than and is superior to any other  animal. It helps him to live in this world more safely than other animals. Not only the mechanical advantage of the different parts of the human body is greater than any other living being, it can discover and implement different instruments to procure foods and shelters for its living. In the opinion of the archaeologists the human beings of Hiedelberg
(a city in south-west Germany. The fifth-largest city in the State of Baden-Württemberg after Stuttgart, Mannheim, Karlsruhe and Freiburg im Breisgau, Heidelberg is part of the densely populated Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region.), in ancient times,  did not know how to use or make an artificial weapon . They used to live on the food they could get from nature. They used a stick or a stone as their weapon which they got from nature.In the second and third stage of ice-age, people lived as the animals did because they could not prepare any artificial weapon.
The first weapon was prepared in the fourth in the third and fourth stage of ice-age. The archaeologists discovered weapons after axcavation.
At first people took a stone and made it sharpen with the help of another. They used that weapon not only to hurt other animal but also to cut a substance or to scrape a body.The first artificial weapon looked like a nut. after many years they fixed up a wooden handle with the stone. With this instrument they could procure food for them and make a deer to piece for eating. People learnt how to hunt an animal for their food.
The archaeologists discovered remnants of animals from the place inhabited by the primitive men. the people at first hunted the weaker animals among the flock of sheep.
Comparatively. the male senior people went out for hunting and the female persons of the society tried to procure materials from nature and prepare food for all. At first they used to take raw meats of the animals. The first division of labour took place between males and females of a society. Though one could use another property when necessary.  The weapons with which the male members used to hunt remained as individual property to which it belonged. But all the collected food materials, both by males and females were common property to be taken by all the members. In the primitive society there was equality for all. This was called Primitive Communism. 
But such society was very small in size, comprising 30-40 persons.
While going out for hunting one among them , comparatively experienced, was selected as a leader of the hunting team.Some times  two three groups went for hunting together when the animal was big or dangerous. The older, weaker or lazy were not allowed to go for hunting. The amount of food they could collect was not sufficient to be taken by all and they, all members, had to go on fasting. Sometimes they could not  collect any food. They had no permanent shelter to stay. They had to pass  in the night under tree or any other shelter.

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